Playtesting and Adventure Generation

I had a chance to playtest Precious Cargoes recently! And thank heavens it worked out! We had four players all playing teenage bears. I initially wanted to develop a tool for generating adventure but decided it wasn't within the original scope of the 1-Page RPG, but I've decided to update the page with that adventure generator anyway so you can have the fun I had! 

For context Here's the adventure we came up with using the adventure generator.

"We're all bear couriers transporting  piles of books for our master "our mum". And we may be bears but we're also teens! We've known each other since birth and we're travelling to the Li-bear-y. We've been warned of rodents of unusual size, and capitalism, but we're still hoping to find more family along the way. "

They managed to befriend two giant rodents, become microcelebrities, cross state lines via airplane, unionize an amazon warehouse, and dismantle the police in a low income neighbourhood to provide free books for underprivileged kids! ALL WHILE BEING BEARS?! Needless to say it was a lot of fun, full of hilarity and they scraped by with NO DAMAGE to their cargo!

I also made some minor changes to the game based on feedback:

  • Tweaked some of the triggers for +1s
  • Reduced character's desperation to 4 (from 5) 
  • Fixed some typos (oops!)

Anyhow, enjoy the tweaks, and let me know how your experience goes if you get a chance to play Precious Cargoes!

Bye for now,

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